Category Archives: Authenticity

Express yourself – authentically

You need help!

If you want to be OUTRAGEOUSLY successful, you have GOT to realize that YOU NEED HELP!

Here’s the tough part. It’s hard to ask for help!

Here’s the key…How much do YOU love to give help?

See the intersection here?

I invite you (and I’m going to steal from T.Harv Eker here) to be a generous giver and an EXCELLENT receiver.

How can you be a better receiver today? The world is waiting to contribute to you! It just needs a great reason and a fun ask.

Imagine that you are STINGY with how you let people give to you.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Watch “My Cousin Vinny”.(Think this with a bad Jersey accent – dressed in Lycra from head to toe).

At the end, Mona Lisa Vito declares to Vinny “Imagine that you are a successful lawyer and you win every case – case after case –  but someone helped you, and you have to say THANK YOU…what a (expletive) nightmare!”

Try it today. Ask for something that you really want. And be willing to get it.

HA! I challenge you!

Love your PEEPS UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Be patient, and BE BOLD!

I wish I could tell you stories that would turn your heart on a dime..give you the golden nugget.

It doesn’t work that way.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

If you have ANY interest in selling to anyone, you MUST think this way:

1) Take your mind OFF of the Big Company and always remind yourself of the value you offer

THIS ALONE will make you a Magnet.

2) Interact with the people at THE BIG COMPANY as if they are peers, (and they are…they are people walking on the planet just like you…same worries, same concerns, same desire to hit the lottery!)

Now, you can speak freely…


3) Look to see..IS your solution the best for them? If it is, GO FOR IT!! If it is not, at least tell them, “Thank you! I want you to get the BEST. I am not it.” OR know that YOU are the best and say so.

Then, ask for the sale. If you don’t know how to ask for the sale, email me at [email protected] and we’ll work it out!

Let’s LOVE ‘EM UP!!!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

On Leadership and Entrepreneurs

A little rant of mine for a Monday!

I’ve found it’s better to have someone ELSE call you a leader or an entrepreneur.

When people call themselves leaders or entrepreneurs, it makes me think they probably have no idea what they are doing and they are unemployed – and probably broke. But trying to make themselves feel better.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

If you are calling YOURSELF a leader and an entrepreneur, you are probably trying to prove something.

If you ARE a leader or an entrepreneur, you don’t even have to say it. People will know!

I’m just sayin’

Love your LIFE UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

The One and ONLY way to look at Goals

It may seem arrogant, and I’ll stand behind it.

If there is only ONE system to create your goals, this is it….

Write down two or three of your goals….I’ll wait…do it now.

Now, look…would THOSE be the goals that …..say..Oprah would write? Donald Trump would write? Super model Natasha Poly would write? Angelina Jolie would write?

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Why are you writing different goals than they are? Is something starting to become OBVIOUS?

What are you seeing? More interesting: What are you willing to commit to? No matter what? Dontcha know that is what it takes?

Can’t wait to hear!

Love YOUR life up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Tell it like it is!

Today, I delivered a presentation to a group of about 20 people with a MAJOR CORPORATION!!!

Even with fourteen people on the line, it was important to reach everyone….and each of them ONLY wants to know what I can deliver FOR REAL and how I will help meet THEIR goals.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

At the end of the call, one person said “THANK YOU for telling us what you CAN’T do. Everyone else pretends that they can do it all…and they can’t…It’ refreshing to talk with someone who tells it the way it is.”

I think I might actually WIN this accout! If I don’t, I know that they got the straight truth and even THEY will refer me….even if they don’t buy. INCREDIBLE!!!

Love your peeps UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

WARNING: Be careful with other people’s stuff!

In the world of Facebook, Twitter, etc. it becomes VERY EASY to post or use OTHER PEOPLE’S STUFF.

But, here’s the problem. Other people’s STUFF is their personal brand.

YOU may not want everyone to know that you were at that fund-raising party. You may not like that picture that someone took of you. You may not want to be contacted as a reference. Imagine that other people have the SAME feelings about THEIR stuff.

ASK people before you use their photos or words or contact information. VERY IMPORTANT: Ask people permission before you connect them with someone who will contact them as a reference.

DO NOT get fast and loose with other people’s “brand”. Their recommendations, their comments, their endorsements, etc.

You will create MASSIVE LOVING FRIENDS if you ASK people first before you use their photo, their endorsement, or their contact information.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Do not assume anything. ASK!

It is polite and will set you apart!

Love your peeps up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

On the Course??? In the Stands??? More of the inquiry….

As I’m considering if I am on the Course or in the Stands in my life (see yesterday), I think to myself…..”How would I know?”

Does it mean I’m playing “at risk” in my life? Does it mean that I’m expanding what I’m doing no matter what?

How would I know? It seems important to be “on the Course”, but how would I know?

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

What do you think? Have you thought about this before?

How do YOU know when you’re on the Course or in the Stands?

Let’s explore!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

WhatEVER it takes?

Are you willing to live a Do Whatever It Takes Life for your dreams?

Careful of your answer – there WILL be a test! *GRIN*

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Every single one of us has it in us to do whatever it takes for something. We think we’ll be too tired if we REALLY go for it, or that we’ll miss out on something else that life has to offer.

Not true! The more you give to your dreams the ABSOLUTELY more they’ll give to you. But you gotta be willing to do WHATEVER it takes!!! The miracles that come along with this kind of life will TAKE YOUR BREATH AWAY!!

Love it up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl